Boost the Visibility of Your Products with Advertising

For the average seller, it can take months for a product to show up in Amazon’s organic search results. But with Amazon pay per click (PPC) paid search ads, you can get your products in front of the right customers almost immediately. By putting a little bit of ad spend behind your listings, you can quickly bump your products up to the first page of search results. Let our experts in Amazon PPC management guide you in the right direction.

Sponsored Product Ads

Sponsored Product ads are keyword targeted, pay-per-click ads that appear above and within search results as well as on product detail pages. These ads can be shown on both desktop and mobile devices.

Sponsored Brand Ads

Sponsored Brands are keyword-targeted, pay-per-click ads. These ads feature the brand logo, a custom headline and three of your product listings. If you don’t offer three Amazon products, you will  not be able to run this type of ad. 

Sponsored Display Ads

Sponsored Display campaigns use auto-generated display creatives that help inspire purchases and have the familiar Amazon look and feel. Based on the targeting options selected, ads can run on Amazon desktop and mobile, both on detail pages and across other Amazon pages.

Realize the Benefits of Amazon PPC Management

Consumers come to Amazon willing and ready to make a purchase. With the help of PPC advertising, you can better target shoppers who are already looking to purchase products like yours.

Advertising can give your brand and products an instant boost in visibility. Ads are strategically displayed in highly visible places, like on product detail pages or on the first page of search results, to easily grab the shoppers attention.

With PPC Advertising you’ll only pay for the clicks your ads receive. You can track your ad spend and performance through your campaign reports. This allows you to see what’s working and what is not, and adjust your ad campaigns to maximize the effectiveness of the ads.